Ideal Crank length

What is it

The “Test for the ideal crank length” is a professional service in which the Velosystem technician determines the cyclist’s ideal crank length using the cycling simulator Dynavelò in response to the power expressed.

What happens

The client is asked to cycle on the cycling simulator Dynavelò testing out 3 different crank lengths and the trial of each lasts a few minutes. As the different crank lengths are being trialed, checks are made to determine which is the most efficient and then is subsequently declared the ideal crank length.

Technical Specifications

The “Test for the ideal crank length” Velosystem has the following set procedure:

  • Intial adjustment of bike set up.
  • Cyclist warms up
  • Whilst cycling different crank lengths are tested
  • Ongoing and simultaneous checking of pedaling efficiency.
  • Determination of ideal crank length
  • Register data

What is the purpose of the test?

The “Test for the ideal crank length” allows the technician to determine with absolute precision the ideal crank length as a direct result of the pedaling efficiency.

Who is it for

The “Test for the ideal crank length” is a session for all cyclists keen to improve their performance and efficiency on the bike.


  • Improvement of performance and efficiency on the bike.
  • Recommendation given for the purchase of this bike component.