Seasonal Check In

What is it

The “ Seasonal Check In” is a session made of varied checks that was created to be dedicated to Velosystem clients that have previously had other biomechanical sessions in Regulation and Video Analysis or a Biomechanical Check Up in the previous 2 years.

The end goal of the Seasonal Check in session is to guarantee that the promise made to prevent injury, maximise comfort, and increase performance is kept in line with the previous sessions. Above all in cases where the client has changed the bike frame or bike components.

What is included

The “Seasonal Check In” is made up of the following separate elements:

  • Check Regulation and Connection points
  • Video analysis
  • Bike adjustment on workstand

Who is it for

Suitable for all Velosystem clients who have had the following biomechanical sessions: regulation Video Analysis or a Biomechanical Check Up in the last of the 2 years.


  • Guarantee the benefits gained during the previous biomechanical sessions are not lost.